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Help Center
Discover the hidden treasures of our platform
How can I see how many renewals I have on my Subscription invoice?
How do I track each renewal status?
How do I deactivate my account?
How do I change the default setting of the patent reference on my platform?
How do I personalize my platform?
How do I change or reset my password?
Managing notifications
How do I add new users to my platform?
How do I delete my account?
How do I add multiple patents to my portfolio?
How do I add one patent to my portfolio?
How do I find out the changes made by users and by the system?
How do I remove a user from my platform?
How do I track my payment details and history?
How do I stop my annuity payments?
How do I receive renewal notifications and invoices?
How can I generate a cost forecast on my patent portfolio?
How can I filter my search?
What is a Subscription invoice?
What is a foreign exchange deposit?
What is a patent annuity payment?
What is a supplementary protection certificate?
What is an ungranted patent?
What is a granted patent?
When is a patent defined as "expired"?
What is a grace or surcharge period?
Which renewal requires a letter of Power of Attorney (PoA)?
What is a credit note?
What if I miss the grace or surcharge period?
What are the email notifications sent during the renewal flow?
What payment options do you offer?
What does your renewal flow look like?
What is your urgent onboarding process?
What is your standard onboarding process?
What is the Upcoming payment plan?
What is the Bulk payment plan?
What types of IP do you renew?
What patent data do you need from me?
What are your pricing models?
In which currency can I pay?
What do you include on your invoice?
In which countries do you renew patents?
How long will it take to transition from my current provider to your platform?
What if my patent is still not granted?
What is a renewal notification?
Is there a minimum number of patents to use your services?
What happens if I miss the payment deadline?