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How to renew a patent in Albania?

In this article you will find information on:
  • When patent renewal fees are due
  • The renewal fee amount and currency
  • Details on other types of intellectual property valid in the jurisdiction
  • FAQ related to the renewal process


Albania is part of the EPO. In order for an EP patent to be enforced in Albania, the patent must be granted by the EPO and then validated in Albania. During the application process renewal fees must be paid to the EPO. For more information, please visit our EPO renewal fee article.

Once a patent is granted by the EPO and validated in Albania, the renewal fee is paid to the Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Pronësisë Industriale. The rules that apply to a national Albanian patent also apply to an EP patent in Albania, which will be described in detail below.

Due dates

Renewal fees in Albania must be paid by certain dates. In this section you will find a description of how these renewal due dates are calculated, both the very first renewal due date and all subsequent renewal due dates.

No annuities are due throughout the application process. The first annuity is paid on the first anniversary of the filing date after the grant in Albania.

For example, if the grant date is 2022-01-20, and the filing date is 2018-03-31, then the first annuity must be paid by 2022-03-31.

After the first annuity has been paid, all subsequent annuities must be paid annually on the last day of the month of filing.

For example, if the filing date was on November 9, then all subsequent annuities will be due on November 30 each year.

Other intellectual property types

In Albania, there are other types of intellectual property besides patents. These include utility models and designs.

We are currently working on articles which will explain the rules for the renewal of these types of intellectual property. If you need any help renewing these and are looking for a cost-efficient solution, get in touch with us.

Official website of the patent office
Patent search in
+355 (0) 42271678

Renewal fee factors:


Patent renewal fee intervals in



Patent Year Official renewal fee (ALL)
2 5 000
3 6 000
4 8 000
5 10 000
6 12 000
7 14 000
8 18 000
9 20 000
10 25 000
11 27 000
12 30 000
13 35 000
14 40 000
15 45 000
16 50 000
17 55 000
18 60 000
19 65 000
20 70 000
The fees were last updated on
July 9, 2024
The information is based on the local patent office's database.
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Albania Patent Renewal Fees FAQ


What happens to an Albanian patent before it has been granted?

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There are no annuities due in Albania before the patent is granted. Once the patent has been granted, annuities must be paid annually in accordance with the rules described above under the section Due Dates.


When can I pay the renewal fee in Albania?

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The renewal fee in Albania can be paid up to 2 months before the renewal due date. It is important to note that the renewal fee cannot be paid earlier than this. Any payments made before the opening of the payment window will result in the payment being rejected.


Can I renew a patent after I miss a renewal due date?

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Yes, it is possible to renew an Albanian patent after its renewal due date. If you fail to pay the renewal fee before the due date, a grace period of 8 months is given wherein the renewal fees can still be settled. When entering the grace period you will incur a surcharge fee to be settled along with the renewal fee. If you wish to maintain the patent, both the renewal fee and the surcharge fee will have to be settled.

For example, if a patent has a renewal due date of 2021-05-31 and the due date is missed, the patent will enter the grace period from 2021-06-01. After this point both the renewal fee and the surcharge fee will need to be settled by 2022-01-31. Failure to pay these fees before the surcharge due date will result in the patent lapsing.


Do I need assistance from local representation to renew a patent in Albania?

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Yes, you will need assistance from local representation to renew a patent in Albania. It is a requirement to be an authorized representative in order to carry out the renewal of a patent in Albania. Currently, does not have the necessary authorization and we are therefore using a local representative to carry out the renewal process.

It may be possible for the patent owner to carry out the renewal themself, but unless you have experience with paying renewal fees in Albania we will advise you to engage with a local representative.


How long do patents last in Albania?

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A patent will stay in force for 20 years in Albania from the filing date if successfully renewed in accordance with the rules described above. If the patent is not renewed, it will lapse by the end of the grace period measured from the latest renewal due date.