White paper

Leveraging AI in patents

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AI for patent search and prior art analysis

Learn how AI-powered tools refine prior art searches, improving accuracy and efficiency by uncovering relevant patents beyond traditional keyword-based methods.

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AI in patent drafting

Discover how AI-assisted drafting enhances precision, detects inconsistencies, and streamlines claim structuring to create stronger, more compliant patent applications.

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AI in patent filing strategy

Explore how AI helps predict grant success rates, identify optimal jurisdictions, and refine patent filing decisions with data-driven insights.

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AI in maintenance fee and portfolio management

Understand how AI can help streamline renewal processes, optimizes cost management, and supports strategic decision-making to maintain a strong IP portfolio.

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The future of AI in patent management

Get a forward-looking perspective on AI’s evolving role in IP, from regulatory challenges to emerging innovations shaping the next generation of patent management.

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